Man loses everything after neighbor kids catch his trailer on fire

EDWARDSBURG, Mich. -- Floyd Price was watching TV when he and his daugther, Jessie, heard a loud bang.

When they peeked outside to see what it was, they weren't expecting to see their shed on fire.

"All I seen was black smoke rolling," Price said. "Next thing you know, the wind took over, and my trailer is gone."

A gas line quickly spread to Price's property, and damaged everything he had. He's disabled, and said he can't afford Homeowner's Insurance; making the devastation that much worse.

"When you lose everything you have, what are you supposed to do!?," Price asked.

Price isn't sure what he's going to do.

He's upset at the kids who started the fire, but understands children make mistakes.

Something, his neighbor and friend, Bryan Lee, isn't too keen on.

"Everyone of those kid's parents should be responsible to pay this man back," Lee said. "He probably had pictures in there and all sorts of things he cherished. I've known this man for 10 years; he's come from nothing. What had is all he had. Now, he's got nothing again."

Despite the loss, Price is trying to stay optimistic.

Starting again with only the clothes he's wearing though, is difficult.

"It is heartbreaking to watch everything you own go up in flames," Price said.



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