Michigan City man arrested on child porn charges

MICHIGAN CITY, Ind.- On Friday, 55-year-old Stephen Fredenburg, of Michigan City, was arrested on charges of possession of child pornography and child exploitation as a result of an investigation conducted by Homeland Security Investigations and Indiana State Police Internet Crimes Against Children.

After conducting an online internet investigation, a special agent from Homeland Security Investigations became aware of a person downloading and distributing videos of child pornography through an internet network, according to the report.

Further investigation led members of Homeland Security Investigations, Indiana State Police ICAC, and the Indiana State Police Digital Forensic Unit to conduct a search warrant at the home of Stephen Fredenburg, according to officials.

Police say a subsequent search of electronic devices seized during the search of the home, discovered tens of thousands of videos of child pornography.

Fredenburg was arrested without incident and taken to LaPorte County Jail and is charged with four counts of possession of child pornography and three counts of child exploitation.

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