Notre Dame students rally to support undocumented student policy

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Notre Dame students gathered at the Main Building steps Friday afternoon to show their support for the school's new immigration policy and to push for national immigration reform.

Father Jenkins spoke to the students about the decision to allow undocumented students in 2014.

Students also heard a Mariachi band and poetry from students.

Students also signed a banner that will be taken around the dorms for the next few weeks. The banners will eventually welcome the new undocumented students to the school.

The Notre Dame Dream Immigration Celebration has three purposes.


  • To celebrate the inclusion of undocumented students and policy change from the administration.

  • To show a welcoming environment to perspective students that are undocumented.

  • To show support for the administration calling for comprehensive immigration reform from a student perspective. 

"We hope that with the celebration today that we showcase and demonstrate our accepting of undocumented students as part of the student body here at Notre Dame. I think as far as other colleges are concerned we have kind of been falling behind in that respect, in both accepting undocumented student and providing services for them," said Juan Rangel, Chief of Staff of Student Government.

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