Save your gas money this summer by taking your road trip to adventurous spots inside Michiana
SOUTH BEND, Ind.,--Summer is just around the corner which may have you itching to go on a road trip. But with gas prices at more than 5 dollars per gallon, you may want to take that road trip a little closer to home. However, here are plenty of adventurous activities to explore right here in our own backyard that make you feel like you’ve left the Midwest.
You don’t have to go down to Utah for some fun rafting or kayaking, you can do it right here in downtown South Bend with the skyline in the background!
Jonathan Jones, the director of recreational experiences for South Bend Venues Parks and Arts said the East Race is one of the most unique in our region.
“At one point in time this was the first man-made whitewater rafting attraction in the nation,” said Jones.
You can rent gear from south bend venues parks and arts and raft or bring your kayak down the race all summer long. Every weekend the dams are lowered and the race is on, providing whitewater rafting for all. You can purchase day passes or season passes if you’d like to raft multiple times, which happens often according to Jones.
“Many people have come here, and it’s their first time and they become repeat customers over and over,” said Jones.
If the water isn’t quite your speed, you can head to the trees at Rum Village. The Edge Adventure Parks at Rum Village is just a short drive south from the heart of downtown.
Rum Village has something for all ages, a playground, disc golf, hiking and mountain biking, but the main event is the adventure park which brings in all ages seven and up!
Cheyenne O’Keefe, assistant manager at Edge Adventure Parks said anyone can bring their party on the trees.
“We have two-hour birthday group packages and that can be a bachelorette party or any other type of party of eight people or more. We a lot of fun here. It's just a happy environment. And you get people that are scared and they face their fears and it's awesome watching them face their fears," said O'Keefe.
So, I faced my fears and gave the aerial climb a try, but the thing that brought me the most fear was the 60-foot zipline. So, I got some practice and took it for a spin—after a couple of deep breaths. I didn’t quite stick the landing.
There’s plenty of adventure fun right here in the heart of South Bend that can save you some gas money.
You can find more of the SBVPA’s recreational experiences here.