SB 150 Grant Committee gives out 14 grants

ABC 57 News got the opportunity to meet with Maria Harding, the co-chair of the SB 150 Grant Committee, which just gave out 14 grants that made up $25,000 to non-profits throughout our community. She was able to give us the inside scoop on what we can expect from those grants this year.

"We had 74 applications to review. I have a committee of six wonderful people who helped review all 74 applications and of those we had $25,000 to give away and we were able to give away 14 grants." 

Each of these non-profit programs that were given funds through the South Bend 150 Grants Committee are expected to use at least half of that grant to support the SB 150 celebration in some way. Plus they were all submitted based on their idea of what would be a great celebration for SB 150.

But they all have different timelines. Some of them will be happening in April and others won't be happening until later this year even into next winter.

The committee tried to have a variety of grants based on the criteria that they had come up with and of that they have several different things that they're excited about. 

"We're going to have a living history tour through South Bend cemetery, there is going to be a new Unity Garden, there's going to be a celebration on the West Side that's going to incorporate the Hispanic, Polish and African-American culture, we have an Astronomy Club, we also have a program through the Notre Dame Architecture Department that's creating 3-D models with a 3-D printer of South Bend as it was in the early 1800's and there are several others."
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