SBCSC votes against transforming Coquillard Elementary into career hub

NOW: SBCSC votes against transforming Coquillard Elementary into career hub

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- After weeks of presentations and mixed community feedback, the South Bend Community School Corporation Board voted 4-3 against the district’s proposal to change a South Bend elementary school into a career hub.

The proposal suggested Coquillard Elementary School be transformed into the Saint Joseph County Regional Career Hub, a county center for Career and Technical Education.

They would have done this by sending the more than 300 Coquillard students to Dickinson Intermediate Fine Arts Academy, switching that school to Kindergarten through 8th grade.

“All you’re talking about right now is this career hub and getting it in place, that’s fine, use a building that doesn’t have kids in it. Use a building that’s sitting out there that’s empty, don’t disrupt these children, that’s all I’m saying,” said At-large board member, Jeanette McCullough.

Since the board voted against that plan, the incoming elects will have the option to start over with fresh eyes when looking at a career hub proposal.

“Once I get sworn in, then I have access to everything, so we can look at every option because there’s a lot of sites out there, a lot of unused buildings… Coquillard might be the best option, but let’s make sure we look at everything and make the right choice because this effects everything long term,” said School Board District 4 elect, Carlos Leyva.

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