Teen patient gets a room makeover from non-profit organization

NOW: Teen patient gets a room makeover from non-profit organization

Elkhart, Ind. -- A non-profit organization from Iowa made a 13-year-old Elkhart girl’s dream come true.

Cierra Clements, 13, was born premature and was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis, which has caused strokes and serious brain damage.

The Iowa-based non-profit called My Happy Place stepped in to completely refurbish Cierra’s bedroom.

“She’s just been through a lot and it’s just nice to see her have something to look forward to again, you know?” Cierra’s mother Shelly Clements said.

My Happy Place provided new paint, a new bed and more space for Cierra’s toys and medical supplies.

“When you open that door and you see the reaction on, sometimes the child’s a little shy, but you see the reaction on mom and dad’s face. It’s worth everything,” Lisa Tan, Co-founder of My Happy Place said.

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