Three million dollar grant to go towards election improvements statewide

NOW: Three million dollar grant to go towards election improvements statewide

ELKHART, Ind. -- A big boost to help the election process in Elkhart County.

Indiana's Secretary of State was in Goshen with federal grant money for the county clerk's office. Secretary of State Diego Morales presented the county with a check for $33,500. It's part of three million dollars in grants to help counties across the state with election improvements.

Elkhart County Clerk Christopher Anderson said a recount after the May primary put his office nearly ten weeks behind in preparing for the November election. He said today's money gives them the ability to have backup options and added security to the process and voters.

"Being scared." Elkhart County Clerk Christopher Anderson described the feeling of not having backup equipment.

"This gives me peace of mind. It gives my staff peace of mind. I hope it gives the voters peace of mind that god forbid something does happen we can continue and have secure elections like we always have in Elkhart County."

A total of three million dollars in federal funding is coming to Indiana from the Help America Vote Act.

Secretary of State Diego Morales is allocating that money to counties across the state.

"we're running great elections. We have safe and secure elections, but there is always room for improvements, and this is what we're bringing in today this money so they can continue to run great elections here in Indiana," republican Indiana Secretary of State, Diego Morales said.

The money can be used for anything the counties need for the coming election including signage and security systems. As well as additional equipment to help prevent future delays

Out of Indiana's 92 counties, 90 have applied for the funds.

Morales says he will continue traveling across the state and visiting each county ahead of the election.

"All 92 counties matters to the morales administration," Morales said.

Election day is Tuesday, November 5th and the deadline to register in Indiana is Monday, October 7th.

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