3rd annual Mishawaka Promise 5K kicks off

MISHAWAKA, Ind.-Helping to build a better future for students: that’s the promise of the Mishawaka Education Foundation. The 3rd annual Mishawaka Promise 5K run/walk took place in Central Park Saturday morning to raise money for School City of Mishawaka.

Founded in 1994, MEF aims to create a learning environment of high achievement and excellence by funding programs and projects that is not under the state budget. Saturday’s race is also raising awareness about the “Mishawaka Promise” campaign.

“We started a $2.5 million campaign and it’s been going great,” said Jane Wright, the Executive Director of the Mishawaka Education Foundation. “We have corporate sponsors and have individuals that give a dollar a day,” Wright said.

The foundation has funded several programs since its establishment like the brand new digital studio at Mishawaka High School. The board hopes to continue their mission with upcoming projects.

“We’ll be giving about $50,000 this year for classroom grants and a media center in the high school,” Wright said.

If you’d like to learn more about the Mishawaka Education Foundation, click HERE.

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