ABC 57 Safety Alert: Firework safety tips

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the number of fireworks-related injuries soared to their highest level in more than a decade last year.

An estimated 11,400 injuries were reported during 2013, over 30-percent more than the 8,700 reported the year before.

Roughly half of the people injured by fireworks last year were 25 years old or younger. Children under 4 accounted for 14-percent of those injuries.

Here's a few firework safety tips to keep in mind while celebrating our nation's independence:

  • Only use fireworks outdoors

  • Only light fireworks on a non-flammable surface, like concrete

  • Point fireworks away from buildings or any sort of flammable materials that they collide with

  • Make sure others are a safe distance away before setting off any fireworks

  • Always have a bucket of water or a garden hose close by in case of fire

  • Don't wear any loose-fitting clothing. It's more prone to catch a spark and start a fire

  • Don't store fireworks in your pockets

  • Once the fireworks are done burning, douse them with plenty of water before discarding them to prevent a trash fire

Remember to check city ordinances before setting off any fireworks.

In South Bend, residents are allowed to use fireworks between 10a.m. and midnight on July 4th. Citizens are also permitted to use fireworks from 5p.m.-11p.m. from July 5th-July 9th.

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