Beachgoers concerned about a recent report of rising water levels

NOW: Beachgoers concerned about a recent report of rising water levels

ST. JOSEPH, Mich – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a report saying The Great Lakes levels are on the rise.

Lake Michigan was within one inch of setting an all-time record high level for the month of June.

“The water has risen onto the pier more than normal we come here every summer and we’ve never seen it that high onto the pier like that,” Silver Beach visitor Seth Fleming said.

Lake Superior, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario set record highs for the month of June.

The lake level on Lake Michigan is expected to rise two additional inches by August 5th.

Effects of high lake levels include higher than normal waves, dangerous rip tide currents and beach erosion which has plagued Silver beach and Lions Beach in St. Joseph, Michigan.

St. Joseph residents and visitors including Brittany Fleming said they hope the higher than normal lake level doesn’t affect people visiting the lake.

“We would be heartbroken if it started to wear away then it became dangerous and we couldn’t go to certain parts and limits part of the beach that would be something that hopefully wouldn’t happen,” Fleming said.

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