Bowfisherman snags a rare one in southwest Indiana waters

A rare fish, an Alligator Gar, was caught by a lucky bowfisherman on June 1st in the White River.

Because the fish is not normally found in Indiana waters, it was verified by state biologists as the first one caught in recent history, according to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

“In Indiana, we currently have no regulations on take of Alligator Gar. One Alligator Gar found in Indiana waters does not create a management need. However, our biologists will be sampling heavily in the area this fish was discovered to determine if any other Alligator Gar are present.” said Brian Schoenung, fisheries chief for the DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife.

The DNR notes that the species was once known for killing off game fish but conservationists say restoring the Alligator Gar population could be a good thing, however, that restoration is not being implemented in Indiana just yet.

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