Boy Scout finds marijuana in Goshen park
Posted: Jul 30, 2014 12:38 PM EST | Updated: Nov 6, 2014 6:30 AM EST
GOSHEN, Ind. -- A Boy Scout walking through one of Goshen's public parks found something very unexpected while he was working on his Eagle Scout project.
Will Kercher was walking through Abshire Park when he came across four marijuana plants in pots.
Kercher immediately notified Aaron Sawatsky-Kingsley, the city's forester.
The Goshen Police Department removed the plants.
Sawatsky-Kinglsey says since it wasn't a big drug operation, parents shouldn't be worried.
“We wouldn’t want to keep people out of such a beautiful, natural resource like this,” says Sawatsky-Kingsley.
ABC57 contacted Goshen Police for more information but they have not returned our calls or emails.