Census takers begin going door-to-door in Michiana

NOW: Census takers begin going door-to-door in Michiana

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind.— Since the census invitation went out in early March, South Bend had a response rate of about 61 percent, and St. Joseph County had a response rate of 64 percent.

“So for all those unresponsive households that need a census will be sending an official census worker to obtain that information that was requested earlier,” City of South Bend Census Coordinator Chris Dressel said.

Census takers are employed workers who are typically assigned to their neighborhoods. They will be practicing social distancing and following CDC guidelines.

“They will be outfitted with information or identification that would include an official census badge with their name and a census logo with an insignia,” Dressel said. “So they may have other things with them; a bag and other equipment to identify them with the U.S census.”

According to Dressel, the census is only 10 questions long and will take around 10 minutes to complete.

“The form consists of questions of the number of people that live in the household, their names, and just information about the owner or rent the home,” Dressel said.

Census workers will try to count residents in each household. If the resident isn’t home, workers will leave a note about other ways to respond; either online, by phone, or mail.

A census taker will never ask for personal information such as citizenship status or any details on your social security.

The Census Bureau plans to put a mobile questionnaire station outside the County-City Building in South Bend on August 14, 18, 20, 26, 28, and 31 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

For more information on the census visit 2020census.gov

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