Chicago Cubs or Notre Dame Football? Fans struggling with choice


Some Notre Dame alums are struggling between going to see the Fighting Irish play Miami on Saturday - or watching the Chicago Cubs play in the World Series.

You don’t have to be on the streets of Chicago long before you realize everyone is rooting for the home team.

But for some Cubs fans, their hearts are split with another team.

"I have a ticket to the Notre Dame game tomorrow. Believe it or not those are easy to find. I don't have a ticket to the Cubs game because those are incredibly hard to find," Andrew Mathews said.

Mathews is a lifelong Cubs fan and Notre Dame grad.

He has only missed one home game since he started at Notre Dame in 2006.

He’s not alone in the struggle.

Notre Dame grad Stephen Santay also has tickets to the Notre Dame game.

So how do you choose?

"If it wasn’t guaranteed that they’d be playing Sunday, we’d be selling our Miami-Notre Dame football tickets for a considerable discount and we’d be staying in Chicago for the game," said Santay.

Santay even rented a house in South Bend for himself and a group of friends.

"There were originally going to be ten of us, and now it looks like there will be considerably less, but that’s okay. We will have fun," Santay said.

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