Cinemark theaters reopening for movie-goers

NOW: Cinemark theaters reopening for movie-goers

MISHAWAKA, Ind.-- Cinemark theaters closed it’s doors back in March due to coronavirus concerns, but Friday, the theater reopened to the public for people to purchase a ticket to see a movie on the big screen.

Mishawaka movie-goers said that they’re excited to finally get out of the house!

“I’m excited because going to the movies is sort of one of those things that I do to kind of treat myself,” Mishawaka resident Jacob Parks said.

“We waited since March to come back, we’re usually here every week so we happened to catch the first showing when they reopened and we’re ecstatic,” Mishawaka resident Erica Faulhaber said.

The movie-going experience has changed in many ways due to COVID-19, with Movies 14 taking new and enhanced measures to keep everyone safe, including cleaning and sanitizing protocols throughout the theater, employee and guest wellness training, and food and beverage safety.

While some say they were anxious at first to come to the movies, these safety measures helped them feel safe.

“I feel mostly safe. I think it’s the fact that today’s opening day, it’s the first showing, that’s what gave us some peace of mind because we know everything is clean, everything is sanitized and no one’s been here before us,” Faulhaber said.

“They’re taking a lot of good precautions here including obviously masks are mandatory, distancing everybody once you’re in the auditoriums, and food safety is crucial as well and they’re taking all those proper steps,” Parks said.

Parks said that he sees the theater reopen as a positive step towards normalcy in Michiana

“I think that it’s creating a sense of hope that we’re going to return back to normalcy, while we’re far from going back to where we were four, five months ago, we’re defiantly headed in that direction,” Parks said.

The theaters reopen, no longer leaving movie-goers to rely on streaming services for a movie night on the couch.

“Thank goodness for Netflix and Hulu and Amazon Prime and cable, that’s what’s gotten us through,” Faulhaber said.

Now, community members have the opportunity safely watch a movie at the theater!

“It’s just a little bit of normalcy back in our lives with all of the craziness going on. When you book a ticket they block the seats next to you, in front of you and behind you so there’s that level of safety,” Faulhaber said.

“It defiantly is opening an opportunity for everybody to sort of relax a little bit and kind of feel more normal,” Parks said.

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