'Coats for Kids' provides winter-weather protection for families in need

NOW: ’Coats for Kids’ provides winter-weather protection for families in need

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Around 150 kids and their parents crowded into the Meijer on Portage Road Sunday for a winter-weather shopping spree.

Hosted by the Portage Township Trustees, the Coats for Kids event provided families with a $100 voucher for each child in need of new cold-weather clothing.

Winter gear is essential for everyone, but providing an entirely new set of clothing can be a difficult financial task for low-income families.

Kaylie Baker, a mother of five, received $500 worth of vouchers to help protect her children from the elements as they head to the bus stop.

“This helps a lot actually because it’s very expensive having five kids. Buying five coats, buying five pairs of gloves and hats, it can be very expensive. This is a blessing for my family and I’m so thankful to have this outlet for us to get help for low-income families.” said Baker.

One factor that pushed hosting the event was an emphasis on providing children with brand-new clothing that would last, rather than hand-me-downs.

With Sunday's event drawing in around 150 kids, the township is sure that similar events are soon to follow.

More information about the township services is available here.

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