Eagle Scout Manti Te'o emcees Mayor's Luncheon for Scouting

MISHAWAKA, Ind. -- On Wednesday, local boy scouts were celebrated for their hard work.

Nearly 300 people attended the mayor's luncheon for scouting in Mishawaka.

Our own Jamie Martin emceed the event.

Notre Dame's Manti Te'o, who is also an Eagle Scout, was the featured speaker.

"Football doesn't really build character, it reveals the character you already have.  That's the kind of character that scouting creates, the man of faith, the man who you can trust, the man who's a family man.  Scouting just helps you in ever facet of life," said Te'o.

Each year, the luncheon recognizes community leaders with the Soaring Eagle Award.

This year, that honor went to Judge Michael Gotsch.

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