Elkhart woman fends off home intruder

NOW: Elkhart woman fends off home intruder

ELKHART, Ind -- The incident took place just a few days ago, in the middle of the night, when the burglar caught the homeowner off-guard.

Carla Stanfill is recalling where she was when the unthinkable happened on early morning hours of August 28th.

Around 2:30 a.m. Stanfill tells me she was letting her dog outside to use the bathroom, but little did she know, someone was out there.

"I closed the door and then there was a handprint on my window and I thought it was my husband because he wasn’t home at the time. And so when I went to go to the door to open it, a man barged in and grabbed me by my face and slammed me against the wall," said the victim Carla Stanfill.

She says it happened fast.

It started with the burglar pushing her down in the hallway.

Then she says he pinned her to the ground near the washer and dyer and that's when Carla feared the worst.

"He laid his whole body on top of me and he started, that’s when he started talking to me telling me he was hungry and he just wanted some food so I started to relax," said Carla.

Although relaxed, Carla saw it as a moment to turn the tables and regain control.

That's when she reached for one of her husbands guns to protect herself.

"I just turned around and put the gun in his face and told him I would kill him. I wanted him out of my house," said Carla.

Court documents say 47 year old Angel Ubiles reportedly ran out of the house but was eventually arrested for burglary and other charges.

The terrifying experience has left the Stanfill and her family preparing to move out of their house.

"When I went into the house it looked like a warzone. Like after she told me what happened, the house told the story," said Carla's husband Christopher Stanfill.

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