Fire displaces dozens of residents, renter's insurance important

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The fire that broke out at Park Jefferson Apartments on Wednesday was believed to have started from a kitchen fire.

Eight apartment units were destroyed by the blaze, and many more were damaged by water.  Several people are without a home.

Only in the last couple years has Park Jefferson required its tenants to have renter's insurance.  And many Michiana complexes are doing the same thing.  So are you covered?  Here's why it's important. 

1. Your landlord most likely has insurance on property damage, but that normally won't help you.  And if an accident is your fault, like a kitchen fire, you'll likely be held financially responsible.

2. If you have to move out of your rental property for repairs, like several people had to do Wednesday, insurance can help with expenses until you can return home.

3. And remember that kitchen fire?  It may have been in the kitchen, but it's more than likely the fire wasn't contained to just one room.  And you'll need help replacing the damaged personal items.  

Average coverage costs between $15-30 a month.  

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