Hawthorne Elementary will become a pre-k center

NOW: Hawthorne Elementary will become a pre-k center

ELKHART, Ind. -- The Elkhart Community School’s Board of Trustees voted five to two on Tuesday evening in favor of turning Hawthorne Elementary into a pre-k center.

This vote will also redistrict attendance boundaries for multiple other schools within the school district.

A number of parents in attendance for Tuesday's meeting voiced their opposition to the move after the vote was made.

“I took the time to talk to several parents. They are really sad. Damage has been done. That is why we come together, because the very first time you presented this idea for the community, for the parents of the school, it was decided. It was already done. You know you have nothing to do with it,” one parent said.

School board members opposed Tuesday’s vote saying that the district needs to focus more on its students and retaining teachers.

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