Heavy flooding hits South Bend for the second time

South Bend residents are waking up to high water levels again this morning nearly a month after Michiana’s historic flooding.

The Jewel Woods area flooded overnight, causing damage to several homes. The Irish Hills apartment complex and parts of Ireland Road were also affected.

Eight inches of rain hit the area last month, leaving cars and homes underwater and people forced to evacuate their homes. The Jewel Woods area in South Bend was one of the hardest hit areas and residents are still trying to figure out why.

For the last month, Saint Joseph County Emergency Management officials have been assessing damages and applying for funding to give to the residents hit the hardest.

“We didn’t even get that much rain, I figured we got less than an inch of rain and our whole community is flooded,” said Kiva Ford, a South Bend resident.

Just when residents started to recover from last month’s rain, they now have to deal with flooding again.

“My home got over 2 feet of water inside of it,” Ford said.

“All of the appliances were destroyed, finished basement destroyed probably about $45,000 worth of damage I would say,” Ford said.

No word yet on when city officials will assess the damages. 

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