Korn Dog stand a highlight of the Berrien County Youth Fair
When asked what makes the Berrien County Youth Fair so special, many said the Korn Dog stand. It is run totally by volunteers and the proceeds go to local charities.
Visitors to the fair stand in line for hours to get a famous corn dog from the Korn Dog stand at the fair.
"It's the only good hot dog place in the whole country from right here and I just love to eat. We drove all the way from Washington state for this hot dog," said Paul Bruizeman.
Bruizeman drives thousands of miles to support the Korn Dog stand.
Kids that live in Berrien County love it just as much.
"They are super good with cheese in them," said Evan and Kellan Kring.
The proceeds go back into the community.
"We give money back to organizations that request money, gets groups, softball recreation departments, bands, choirs," said Troy Marske, President of Friends for Berrien Springs.
Marske says they've been at the fair for over 30 years and each year they break corn-dog-selling records.
"Today we will serve somewhere around 8,000 people," said Marske.