Local non-profit fundraising garage sale back in business after bad weather

EDWARDSBURG, Mich. -- A local non-profit pet organization suffered some awful luck after one of their biggest fundraising events of the year, an annual garage sale weekend, was nearly destroyed by bad weather last week.

Organizers with Catsnip say the storms last Thursday night have made a major negative impact on their big fundraiser garage sale this weekend.

"The storms wreaked havoc on the garage sale site Thursday night. The winds collapsed some of our tents while it flipped others, as well as tables and damaged merchandise," said Catsnip Vice President Missy McNeal. "We lost approximately $1,800 in tents and based on last year's sales, we are at approximately a $2,000 deficit plus damaged goods. This is a tremendous loss for our organization, as this is our biggest spay and neuter fundraiser of the year. Our incredible volunteers came in droves to help us clean up. We are up and running and making deals!"

Anyone looking to score those deals or just looking to help out can show up on site at 27108 Redfield Street in Edwardsburg on Saturday, June 15, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

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