Local roofer saves vet's home by fixing roof for free

NOW: Local roofer saves vet’s home by fixing roof for free

MISHAWAKA, Ind. - After a nearly two-year struggle, a local veteran is finally getting help with fixing her roof to avoid eviction.

ABC 57's Jess Arnold first introduced you to local veteran, Rebekah Mayes, in August 2016, when code enforcement threatened to evict her if she didn't fix her roof. 

She sought help through one contractor, who she claims turned out to be a scam artist.

She is now going through a fraud investigation.

Her luck took a turn this year, though, when family-owned Reliable Roofing and Construction offered to replace her roof free of charge.

They will be working on her house Tuesday through Friday to get it up to code.

The owner, Jonathan Gonzalez shares why he decided to help.

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