Message in a bottle turns up after Superstorm Sandy

PATCHOGUE, N.Y. -- A discarded plastic bottle that was found in the debris from Superstorm Sandy was anything but trash to a grieving mother.

Superstorm Sandy wreaked havoc on the East Coast last fall and tossed thousands of pounds of debris on beaches there.

A bottle found in the wreckage was found with a hand written note from 10-year-old Sidonie Fery before she died three years ago.

"I can't describe it, it's something amazing when you recognize your daughter's writing, it's something else, and a daughter who's no longer here," said mother Mimi Fery.

The note said: "Be excellent to yourself dude, if you get this call this number". The line is one of Sidonie's favorite quotes from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

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