Michiana teen crowned Indiana Miss Amazing

NOW: Michiana teen crowned Indiana Miss Amazing

“To me, it does not matter the size, or your ability to me, it is the way God has made you, as myself I want to be known as a courageous confident and advocate for myself and all people” says Livvy Miller, Indiana Miss Amazing. “I don’t want it to be ‘oh she is disabled,’ I am able to do everything that I can do.”

Meet Livvy Miller.

“With me, I want to advocate for myself, so I want no one to talk for me I want to talk on my own,” says Miller. “I want to be a role model as Miss Amazing for all girls, all races, all sizes, doesn’t matter if you have a disability or not. I want people to look up to me as a beauty queen.”

She is Indiana miss amazing.

“I covered my hands, like I won! But I kept it because I wanted the other girls to have their shining moment as princesses.”

Miss Amazing is a national self-esteem movement for girls and women with disabilities. The non-profit organization encourages these girls to take pride in who they are, to set ambitious goals and to fight for the respect that they deserve. The pageant includes an interview, passion presentation, and introduction. But probably most important, is the confidence it provides.

“It gives us confidence and with me, I want to go other pageant systems and prove a person with disabilities can go to any type of pageant and win.”

For Livvy, the competition brought her everything from new friends, and a new goal to change the lives of those around her.

“I don’t want us to saying ‘hey she is a person with some problem,’ but I am saying no I am abled I am the most abled person I can do anything in life.”

The northern Indiana teen, even having a platform for her cause helping homeless animals.

“Because homeless animals, they really need your help, as much as people do. They need a voice, they do not have a voice, we are their biggest advocate in life for animals.”

What’s next for Livvy? She is off to the national competition in Nashville. In the meantime, she will keep preparing to take the stage, and hope to inspire others along the way.

“Everybody is a king and queen through Gods eyes, but we do not feel it every day, we just want one day to feel special for us.”

Learn more about Miss Amazing here.  

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