New pop up shop going into old Hall of Fame building
SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The lights will soon be on again at the College Football Hall of Fame building in downtown South Bend. An interactive play space is set to open on December 6th as part of the "pop up shop" program.
"It will be an interactive play space for parents and kids or grandkids, nieces, and nephews. Everyone is welcome," said Krista Keirnan of Downtown South Bend.
Downtown South Bend's newest pop-up shop is going into one of downtown's most iconic buildings.
"We will be having our Santa House at the Hall of Fame for DTSB, so come and see Santa starting in December, and we will also be having our pop-up shop playgroup there," said Keirnan.
Right across the street from the vacant College Football Hall of Fame is Made in Michiana, a business that started as a Christmas pop-up shop a couple of years ago.
Local businesses say they welcome something new at the College Football Hall of Fame.
"It would bring more people in, because when the Hall of Fame was open, it got us a lot more traffic. It being closed has lessened some of that traffic so any new business in the area will be great," said Sue Gerard of Made in Michiana.
Keirnan, who coordinates the pop-up shops, says it's more than just an economic boost.
"It is definitely having an impact, not just economically, but really on the culture and the experience that everyone has when they come downtown," said Keirnan.
The College Football Hall of Fame closed last year on New Year's Eve.
The city of South Bend is still looking for someone to move in permanently.