Pope prays with Bishops at St. Matthew's Cathedral


After spending a few hours at the White House, Pope Francis headed to St. Matthew's Cathedral for a midday prayer with Bishops of the United States. 

ABC 57's Andreina Centlivre was feet away from the cathedral where the Pope spoke. She says even those who didn't get to go inside to hear the midday prayer and the Bishop address felt a close connection to the Pope.

"We are really excited to hear about our bishop and what he heard on the inside," said Don Roberts.
Roberts traveled about 7 hours from his home in Columbus, Ohio and says the pilgrimage he has taken with his family will continue to affect his community at home even after all this hype in D.C. fades.
"It's a great opportunity and for our bishop to be a part of this and the stories he is going to share with us we he gets back to our Parish," said Roberts.
For locals like Laura Gubisch, just seeing the leader of the Catholic Church in her hometown takes emotions to another level.
"The crowd went 'There he is! There he is!' And so you just felt your heart surge upward," said Gubisch.

As Gubisch's heartbeat rose to high levels, hundreds of cell phones rose even higher and the amount of security was at its highest - with street officers working on crowd control and officials on guard from a building stories above ground level.

But they didn't stop doting fans from catching a glimpse.

"We were able to see the back of the Pope as he walked into the Cathedral and a whole ripple went through the crowd," said Gubisch.

Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades was unable to speak with ABC57 because security would not let bishops separate from the group. However, Andreina will meet with him on Thursday to see how the Pope's address with affect Michiana.

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