S.B. Center for the Homeless preparing for full capacity ahead of the storm
SOUTH BEND, Ind.- Workers at the Center for the Homeless are preparing for the first major snow storm of the season.
Employees say that they are expected to be near or at capacity during the storm.
The Center for the Homeless offers weather amnesty - an opportunity for up to 30 homeless men and women to come and stay each night. Weather amnesty has been going on for three months and will continue for three more.
"It's the best we can do in a situation like this," a worker told ABC 57 News Sunday.
The HOPE Rescue Mission also offers a similar program.
"Right now we see on average, about 15 people a night, we expect that to go up the next few days," an employee at the Center for the Homeless said.
Click here for contact information to the Center for the Homeless if you know someone in need.