Family says thank you to St. Joseph County Corporals who saved woman from burning home

NOW: Family says thank you to St. Joseph County Corporals who saved woman from burning home

OSCEOLA, Ind.-- Putting their lives at risk to save a life.

That’s what two St. Joseph County Police Officers did Saturday after running inside a burning home in Osceola to rescue a bedridden elderly woman.

It’s the call no first responder wants to hear.

St. Joseph County Dispatch: “11793 Lincolnway West in Osceola. One female confirmed trapped inside on a bed downstairs beneath the small porch. They are advising that the female is bedridden.”

“When they mentioned entrapment, it sets a little alarm off in your head saying hey, we need to get their a little faster," said Corporal Jay Duley.

Saturday morning, St. Joseph County Corporal Chris Boling and Corporal Jay Duley were nearby when they got the call of the house fire.

Everyone inside was able to make it out, except for 94-year-old bedridden Clara Webb.

“She was trapped inside in the bedroom. I made my first attempt to go inside crawling on the floor and couldn’t get too much in because of the smoke and couldn’t breathe. So i grabbed my mask went inside, talked to her, was able to pull her out of the bedroom," remembered Corporal Boling.

That’s when Duley got on scene and immediately shifted into rescue mode.

The flames making it difficult to see but not enough to stop him.

“I couldn’t see him, I could hear him faintly mumbling and I knew which direction he was going. I was able to assist him by helping the victim out," said Duley.

St. Joseph County Dispatch: “71, female out. Clear! Female's out.”

Today, the family and community are hailing them as heroes.

The family, inside the home during the fire, got to meet the officers who saved their loved one for the first time since the fire.

The moment captured exclusively by ABC57 News.

“I didn’t think she was going to make it," said Marvin Buwa. He was inside the home during the fire.

“You’ve got to appreciate stuff like that because not everyone out there would do it," said Ana Buwa, Clara's daughter. "Even though you have to work real hard at your job, when something like that happens that makes you feel like you're worth a million bucks.”

“God gave us a challenge that day. We accepted that challenge and we completed it," said Duley.

Penn Fire is currently investigating the incident.

They confirm as of Monday, they haven't determined a cause just yet.

As for Clara, the family says she’s currently at hospice recovering from the scare.

Both corporals are nominated for commendations for their quick thinking and heroic actions.

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