Suits for veterans
Posted: Jan 23, 2015 8:23 PM EST | Updated: Jan 23, 2015 8:52 PM EST
With almost 2,000 items to choose from, the second annual "Suits for Vets" program provides free suits and other types of business attire like ties, shoes, and shirts.
Army Veteran Wade Lindwedel says this service will help him as he ventures into his next career.
"It's helped out immensely, I have not been in a field recently where I needed to wear a suit," said Lindwedel.
However, Lindwedel is not the only one who has benefited from this service.
Katie Nufer is the Managing Owner at Burton's Laundry and Dry Cleaning and says she comes from a family of veterans.
"We're here with open arms. We want to be able to provide for their families from our family to theirs, it really hits home," said Nufer.
All of the suits provided were cleaned by Burton's Laundry and Dry Cleaning.
The "Suits for Vets" program is held at the Kroc center and will be open Saturday from 9 a.m. to p.m. Organizers encourage veterans to bring in their registration card when they arrive.