Teen seeking help after motorbike stolen Thursday morning

NOW: Teen seeking help after motorbike stolen Thursday morning

South Bend teenager is asking for the public's help after his motorbike was stolen from his family's garage Thursday morning. 

Colton Tiller, 13, had the motorbike for a year, after raising $600 for the 1977 Honda XL 75 by running a lawn service. His father said whoever broke the lock clasp on their garage took Tiller's motorbike and left other items in the garage untouched. 

"We came out here, we were about to get in the truck and mom was like who opened the door," Tiller said. 

His father is frustrated because Tiller spent his last summer working for the motorbike rather than enjoying his break like others his age. 

"He gives up a lot of his summer for what he does so it's always hurtful," Larry Tiller, Colton's father, said. 

The family called South Bend Police Department to report the bike stolen. The family tells ABC 57 that police told them there's nothing they can do and to give them a call if the bike does turn up.

Neighbors said this happens too often in their neighborhood. A man living in the home right across from the Tiller's can see their garage from his patio. He said he'll be watching the garage all day to see if the thieves come back and will continue to do so.

Until then, Tiller's father has backed his truck up to the door of the garage to keep anyone from entering. He said he is not taking any more chances with his prized possessions in that garage.

Tiller's father also said that he will be repairing the garage and adding security lights to deter would-be crooks from trying this again. 

Tiller said he will continue to ask everyone to keep an eye out for his motorbike. 

If you have any information on the motorbike, contact South Bend Police Department at 574-235-9201. 

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