UPDATE: Mayor's email states department heads 'serve at his pleasure'

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- We are continuing to try to get answers about the demotion of South Bend's former police chief.

Last week, Darryl Boykins was re-assigned to captain.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg said it was because of a federal investigation.

The mayor refused to answer our questions about the investigation -- including whether or not the chief did anything wrong.

On Thursday, Buttigieg's Chief of Staff sent us an e-mail that said, "The Chief of Police, like all other department heads, serves at the pleasure of the mayor."

It also said, "The mayor is not in a position to elaborate."

His e-mail suggested we contact the U.S. Attorney's Office, but the U.S. Attorney's Office told us that it has nothing to do with the case.

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