YMCA of Southwest Michigan holding 37th annual Thanksgiving Day Run

NOW: YMCA of Southwest Michigan holding 37th annual Thanksgiving Day Run

NILES, Mich. - Hundreds of people took part in the YMCA of Southwest Michigan's 37th annual Thanksgiving Day run Thursday morning in downtown Niles.

The event included a 10K, 5K,  a walk and a one-mile fun run.

Last year, more than 2,000 people took part.

The race started in 1981, and organizers say three people who ran this year have taken part since the beginning.

Organizers say this has become a holiday tradition.

"It's really cool. We have a lot of families come out for the event and a lot of people who come from out of town for thanksgiving in the area make this a part of thanksgiving tradition as well," says marketing Director Kayla Foster.

The money raised will go to support the Y's programs for local young people.

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