Benton Harbor Area Schools school board and state officials discuss partnership proposal

NOW: Benton Harbor Area Schools school board and state officials discuss partnership proposal

BENTON HARBOR, Mich – Benton Harbor Area Schools along with officials from Michigan’s Department of Treasury and Department of Education met on Friday to discuss a partnership moving forward.

Friday’s meeting addressed a potential partnership through what officials are calling an advisory committee

“I think the advisory committee that is being recommended to you this evening with whatever amendments that needs to be made to it to be fully inclusive is a good first step,” Michigan Department of Education State Superintendent Michael Rice said.

The state’s proposed advisory committee would include the school board, city residents with enrolled students, relevant state departments, the business community and more to find a viable path forward with the Benton Harbor Area Schools.

“The advisory committee concept is one that has worked well in other communities and we think it would work for the Benton Harbor schools,” Michigan’s Treasury Departments Deputy Director Joyce Parker said.

According to the State they would like to receive input from the community while creating the plan then providing a report with recommendations in the future.

The Benton Harbor Area Schools next school board meeting is September 3rd where a vote to approve or reject the proposal is possible.

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