Hot start to meteorological summer 2023

Today is the first day of June, and the start to meteorological summer.

Meteorologists group the months of December, January, and February into winter. March, April, and May are spring. June through August are meteorological summer. Then September, October, and November make up meteorological fall.

If you were thinking that summer had a later start date, you might be thinking of the summer solstice date, which happens on June 21 in 2023.

No matter if you think of summer as starting meteorologically or astronomically, it is going to be hot.

We've had two 90 degree days in 2023 so far (May 30 and May 31).

We will continue to add to this total with a few more 90 degree days slated this week.

The hot, dry weather is leading to drought conditions. The latest drought monitor update has a lot of Michiana at stage D0, or abnormally dry stage.

The latest outlook from the Climate Prediction Center shows Michiana with a 40-50% chance of above normal temperatures through the month of June. Normal high temperatures for the month are between 79 and 80 degrees, so expect even more hot temperatures.

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