June 1st marks critical date for Farmers

NOW: June 1st marks critical date for Farmers

It's the beginning of June and much of the corn crop still isn’t planted in Michiana or the rest of the country. Now farmers are under the gun and having to make some tough choices.

After June 1st yields are significantly reduced. Farmers will need to switch to shorter season varieties that mature faster but typically produce less.

"They need to make sure whatever variety gets mature before the first killing frost in the fall." says Eugene Matzat with local Purdue Extension office in La Porte County. 

After June 5th crop insurance is reduced on corn and choosing the option not to plant is only minimally covered by insurance.

" The fact that they can't get some of the corn in means that they could still shift to soy beans, that at least means they'll get a crop that will give them an economic return and some government payments that were announced last week...but it's still a very risky time this year, especially if they can't get a crop planted." Matzat Explains

Experts at Purdue county extensions are helping to guide farmer through the process. Purdue released a special webinar for farmers on delayed corn and bean planting.

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