President Trump's feud with the media continues

NOW: President Trump’s feud with the media continues

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — President Donald Trump’s feud with the media keeps making headlines but are his words against unfavorable news about his administration starting to turn into action?

“If I would have used these numbers during the campaign, the fake news back there would have said, ‘he's exaggerating,’” said Pres. Trump at during a rally in Illinois on Thursday.

The president took another swipe at journalists during that rally just one day after his staff at the White House banned a CNN pool reporter from an afternoon event for asking what they say were inappropriate questions earlier in the day.

“It’s a troubling pattern and I do think it’s a mistake for the White House to individually single out reporters and say, ‘this person can’t be there’ when they’re otherwise allowed to be there,” said Rick Klein, ABC News political director.

Sunday, Pres. Trump revealed on Twitter he met with New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger recently.

But he fired off a series of tweets after Sulzberger put out a statement saying the conversation was focused on Trump’s “deeply troubling anti-press rhetoric.”

The president responded by tweeting, “freedom of the press also comes with the responsibility to report the news accurately. 90 percent of media coverage of my administration is negative. I will not allow our great country to be sold out by anti-Trump haters.”

“This perception of the media being biased, I don’t think is accurate,” said Klein. “I think the president falsely accuses the press of being the enemy of the people. I don’t believe that to be the case. I think it’s dangerous but I think we also have to recognize that he is the president and he’s going to say these things.”

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