Summer's Spotlight: Health Department offering free lead testing for kids

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BERRIEN COUNTY, Mich. --ABC57's Summer's Spotlight shines light on lead and why prevention and testing are so important for children specifically.
Children under the age of 6-years-old have the greatest risk of lead exposure, as its effects are harmful to their development, both physically and cognitively.
ABC57's Summer Horan learns more in an interview with the Berrien County Health Department's Health Officer, Guy Miller, about current research and the "Get Ahead of Lead" campaign.
You can call the Berrien County Health Department at 1-800-815-5485 to schedule an appointment for testing to keep your child safe, or at least alleviate that worry.
The Berrien County Health Department is located at 2149 E Napier Ave. Benton Harbor, MI 49023.
You can also go to the Niles office on Wednesdays, or the Benton Harbor office on Thursdays, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to get your children tested.
Find out more about safety against lead exposure here.