What do to with your live Christmas tree after the holidays

The holidays may still be in full swing, but once it's over the undecorating begins. If you have a live Christmas tree getting rid of it is pretty easy.

Christmas tree pick up for Mishawaka and South Bend vary a bit.

For those living in South Bend, you can either drop it off or have the city pick it up. For Mishawaka residents, you just leave it on your curb.

The Mishawaka Street Department begins picking up Christmas trees the week after Christmas; that is set to continue through the last week of January.

Residents here are encouraged to leave their tree on the curb on their normal trash pick-up day.

For those living in South Bend, you have two options, both include recycling trees at Organic Resources.

Option one, pick up will begin on the 27th through January 30th. All trees should be placed on the curb by 6 a.m. Remember to leave the tree bare.

Option two, you can personally drop it off at Organic Resources. You must drop off your tree between 8 a.m. and 3:45 p.m.

One thing to note, Organic Resources in South Bend closes from 12:30 to 1 p.m.

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